Call a friend every week, share your thoughts and feelings even if 5 mins
Journal everyday, express your emotion and thoughts and you can reflect on what happy days looked like
A day with no complaints
Start a hobby (learn language, instrument, sport, art, cooking, anything that makes you feel connected to yourself)
Nurture your plant or take a responsibility of something
Write a letter or tell someone how much they mean to you, how important they are, what you have learned from them
Document your decision and write what you’re deciding, reason or thinking, what will happen, when you’ll reevaluate it
Don’t compliment on physical attributes, do it for character, intelligence, emotional stability. Eg: you like their way if thinking, talking, attitude
Start sentence with a please and make a request instead of asking
If you want someone to tell you more, deepen your relationship, tell them that I appreciate what you shared with me, even on normal things, to validate sharing. Pause, validate their feeling and compliment them.
Instead of commanding work (giving work like increase sales), ask questions and give support (how can we increase sales together). Builds trust so you can command also
Don’t tell women they shouldn’t feel a certain way or shouldn’t worry because it conveys their feelings aren’t worthy for us to understand
Take 1 decision daily you can achieve to increase confidence
A bowl of salad before junk food reduces blood sugar
Observe your own red flags and wrongs
Start taking small decisions faster (like what to watch, eat)
Fix it daily. Ask yourself everyday where do I need to reach or achieve and for that what do I need to do that I didn’t do today?