Google Ads Notes

Search Campaigns

Conversion Tracking

Normal TY page view tracking.

For AJAX Form (doesn’t redirect but on same page), use Form Submit trigger in GTM. Enable all form related variables. Go to debug view, check form variables > event name after trigger firing and set those conditions in trigger to fire only on that specific form. Have custom event with event name from variable.

Offline Conversions

When uploaded conveys what conversions actually converted into revenue with help of GCLID

Create conversion > Import > Manual import using API or uploads > Track conversions from clicks. Select converted lead, name.

Go to conversions tab > Uploads use google sheets, add gclid, conversion name as that of created, time format as per guidelines.

Conversions with GCLID will work for leads only 90 days before

Enhanced Conversion tracking needs to be setup

Offline conversions can be attributed by uploading google sheet with GCLID id (like people who bought physically after submitting lead in google), and remains tracked only for 90 days from date of online conversion

Enhanced Conversion for Web using GTM manual method (No auto nor code):

  • Standard Manual Enhanced Conversions: Use when AJAX Form (Doesn’t go to TY page but stays on same page for AJAX)
  • Manual Enhanced Conversions with the User-Provided Data Event Tag (When redirects to TY Page)

For Standard AJAX method, tick “Include user provided data” in GTM tag, use CSS selector from Inspect code, save as variables in GTM Manual Config of user data. Variable Type is DOM, Selection Method is CSS Selector. Trigger for AJAX form submit custom event

For Manual TY page, select tag type “Google Ads User provided Data Event”. Same variables for user data. Trigger on Form Submit by GTM

To verify, submit form, keep open Network request tab, search for any of:

Check for “em” parameter in response

Keywords (Group based on Intent and Relevancy IMP)

Enable keyword column in search terms report. See if un necessary search terms are triggered from a single kw which then can be added to negative list

Google doesn’t work on syntax matching but shows based on user intent. Even for exact match kw, it may show ads for competitors name if intent is same as kw. Exact match better for maximize clicks or high search volume

Exact match is included when using phrase match so don’t add 2 times. And it shows ad based on meaning and not exact kw

Bid based on search volume trend graph

Keyword Research Sheet:

  • Best Performing Keywords (mention kw that have high conversion and low cpc from previous accounts)
  • Seed Kws
  • Adgroup themes (imp to do while researching): Columns: Campaign Name, Campaign Important Settings (Location, Targeting, Biiding Strategies), Adgroup Name, Landing Page URL, Keywords, Search Volume, Match Type, Avg CPC (top high and top low bid)
  • Landing Pages (Competitors URL and search term you used), also check from ad transparency report their latest ads. Kw research start with a website exact page use


Filter by excluding kw in plan or account, exclude kw containing negative kw like free, etc. View Grouped view instead of kw view as it gives theming ideas and seed kws

If want to target people outside of location then add the area name in kw. Eg: Target mumbai location or MH except Pune and target kw as 2 bhk pune, shapoorji pune, etc

Negative Keywords:

Exact match will exclude only that

Phrase match will exclude when words in sequence. Eg: “Summer Outfit” Phrase will negate “New summer outfit” but will still show for “outfit for summer”

Broad match will exclude all variations like “outfit for summer”

Negative kw don’t look for intent. Eg: If broad negative “chair” then it’ll show ads for “chairs” with s

Need to add synonyms, singular, plural, misspellings, and other close variations to exclude

Go to reports tab > pre defined > search terms to be able to view quality score and relevancy metrics in search term report

Also watch for negative kw conflicts in recommendations or using scripts to get notifications and in google sheets. Also view in ad preview and diagnostic tool for list of kw. From search term report, select a keyword and click search terms at top and it’ll show all triggered ones

UTM Parameters

Keep auto tagging option on at account level settings to get it in google analytics if connected

{lpurl}?utm_campaign={campaign} ; {_campaignname} (starting with underscore is a custom value)

Ad level or narrow level tagging will overwrite above ones like acc level

For final url suffix, don’t add {lpurl}? just start with utm_campaign directly. It’s used for crms which have field name attributes or when using other software like clickcease which have their own tracking template


Google ad remarketing audience counts everyone even if they don’t come from google ads. Install it using gtm, only need id (standard, or dynamic remarketing list for ecom)

Create remarketing audiences from start:

  • Audience of convertors: Day wise (1, 7, 30, 60… last 365 days)
  • Landing page visitors: same as above and subtract ty page views

Add some audiences for observation, do bid adjustment for data. Bid adjustment only works with Maximize CPC or Manual CPC, and not on automated ones like cpa

Look at insights for audience, it’ll show conversion share, and index (probability of audience member converting)

Go to audience manager > Your data insights, select all converters from dropdown and it’ll show audience characteristics and segments you can add or adjust bids for

Fake clicks

Enable Invalid clicks related metrics in account level campaign list view modify columns

Exclude pin code from location report, search terms exclude, time at which more clicks are coming but not converting (Ad group segment by time). Clickcease software ($70 pm)

Bidding Strategy

Maximize clicks only at campaign level and not ad group level, set upper limit if kw cpc is average

Maximize conversion with tCPA, keep 8-10x times budget. tCPA should be average + 10-20% of previous data and not lower expecting that lower cpa leads will only come. Include search network also as campaign is already optimized with -ve kw, etc. tCPA is for scaling. Can’t adjust bids

tROAS if ROAS is already good

Portfolio bidding strategy can be used for multiple campaigns and shared budget is set so learnings can use be across campaigns. Eg: City wise campaigns can have tCPA portfolio strategy with combined budget of 5000 daily for 5 campaigns. Use for same type of campaigns, segmented by theme, same type like search as one display as another

Dynamic Search Ad Groups

Can be create after campaign setup separately. Ads created based on content of LP (so have proper h1 h2 content page). Best practices:

  • Target specific URLs or specific categories
  • Layer audiences at targeting (Narrowed down targeting option, not observation)
  • Negative kws
  • URLs exclusions (blog urls, contact us, etc)

Experiment Campaigns

Can experiment and split budget, change settings like bid strategy. Base campaign (original) cannot be used for experiment if it’s on shared budget portfolio strategy. Also, campaign level goals aren’t copied so do it manually.

Make changes to the trial campaigns and select campaign specific goals. Click on schedule, define variables that you want to increase or decrease as goals like cost, conversion, and budget split. Advanced option keep it cookie based. Select duration based on how much time it’ll take to get sufficient clicks to analyze results. Enable sync between base and trial campaign. Then you can apply or delete the experiment.

Competitive Metrics (Important for budget and bidding strategies)

At campaign level, in performance enable impression metrics, and all competitive metrics. Top Impression rate is how many times you showed at top (1-4 position) out of all impressions. Impression Share is how many times you showed out of all potential impressions that you could be getting but not because of Budget or Ad rank (quality score, etc).

In competitive metric, can see lost share due to budget (if high then increase budget), or by rank (Max bid x Quality score) so update bidding strategy. Compare with previous date range to see if share improved

Scaling Campaigns


  • When you reach desired CPA with quality and RECENT leads and can afford 10-20% above current average CPA or CPL (which is to be expected). You can’t just turn on search network and increase buget
  • Doubling big budgets will break campaign (like 5k to 10k, but not 500 to 1k)
  1. Scale account structure: Add adgroups, kws (search terms and negatives), landing pages for relevancy
  2. Switch to tCPA upper limit (Budget 8x tCPA)
  3. Open Partner network, check quality of network leads (cost, how many convert, etc) if not good, stop
  4. If impression share loss (increasing budget SLOWLY, or add kw)
  5. Add Audiences in Observation. If any audience working well, create Display campaign for it with tight targeting and small budget so no irrelevant leads come
  6. Create customer list for Performance Max audience signal
  • 20-30% increase in budget every 3-4 days (specially for automated bidding)
  • In manual bidding, 2X of budget also doable (not for current budget above 10k)
  • Budget Increase Rule: Create a rule with conditions like: Campaign status enabled or paused, campaign clicks > 500, Conversions > 35, Cost / Conv. < 700. Action to change budget, Avg. Daily, increase by 20%, upper budget limit 25k. Frequency Daily for checking 12am to 1am, using data from last 3 or 7 days. Email results for changes or errors.
  • Budget Decrease Rule: Same as above but if CPL > 700 then decrease budget by 20%, lower limit 4k
  • Tools like Optmyzer, Revealbot

Campaign Optimization

Keep in mind your campaign KPI and create column sets at each level. Turn off auto apply recommendations by unticking

  • Start with Maximize Clicks bid strategy to add bid adjustments for location, audience, device level (time, demographic also available)
  • If quality score low, create ad copy with those kw, add kw on landing page to make it relevant, use Dynamic Keyword Insertion
  • If high impressions, clicks, cost but very less or costly conversions even if phrase and not broad match. check if kw is even relevant to business. Select that kw and click search terms to see, if only search term driving conversions then add it as exact match and let others get enough data before removing like 50 clicks if conv rate is 10% on avg to get some convs.
  • Sort by conversions, if they’re less like 1-3, but impressions are very low like 10-20, then check for it’s search volume, or is it variation of good kw that has high search volume (can find from google kw planner)
  • Also look for ideas about negative kw
  • Look for other kw with decent clicks but no conversion and check their search term
  • Look at ad schedule days and time, if there’s a pattern then use adjustments. Then go to devices adjustment
  • Add audiences, remarketing audiences in observation mode
  • Go to ad assets, sitelinks data. Click Segment > Click Type; to know if actual sitelink got the conversion or the headline got click when sitelink was being displayed (by default it shows this so pay attention). Segment > This Extension vs Other to know relative performance #imp

Ad Copy


  • Segment by Keyword to know which kw got clicks on that ad copy, how many impressions for that kw, can then improve relevancy
  • Segment by Click Type to know if it came from headline, call btn, sitelink
  • Segment by Top vs Others to know performance for top rank, other rank, display network
  • Click “View Asset Details” under ad copy in Ads section to view individual headline performance, Combination option also available

Copywriting and research

  • 15 Headlines (3-4 H1); H2 should contain benefits, USPs, Number focused data (100+ reviews), Urgency; H3 should have CTA (Free shipping, Call now); DKI (not in case of competitor kw) use in 2 or more headlines as it may not show all the time, also use DKI in description and display path
  • List down in sheet your USPs, imp information, customers pain points, competitors, use GPT for more ideas related to a USP, Google transparency tool, Competitor LP screenshots save and look for same service in another location for inspiration
  • Test Ad Variations (replacing kw in copy), in description ask questions (Looking for 2/3 BHK in Baner?), Problem or Solution
  • Pin only one best offer at top like “Win Upto 100% Scholarship”

Ad Customizer (Variables)

Go to Tools > Setup > Business Data > Ad customizer attributes

Upload sheet or link g sheet with Attribute name, Type, and Account value column only. In ad copy, start with curly braces { to add your customizer

Display Campaigns

Example (text, graphic, video): check on

For brand awareness (CPM is KPI)

For leads, know your audience size and specific for TOF, MOF, BOF and change bidding strategy like Maximize conversions (if you have enough data), multiple creatives, RDA (Responsive) have lower cost than Google’s recommended sizes, HTML5 Display Creatives very useful as they give more inventory (use Google Web Designer Tool)

Multiple Campaigns like Remarketing, TOF (Interest or Placement based), Customer List, Dynamic Remarketing Feed Based

Bidding and Campaign Creation

Create campaign based on funnel like TOF, MOF, BOF, Remarketing

Have audiences at ad group level: Interest and Affinity audience together in 1 group, In-market in another ad group (because it’s CPM is usually little higher)

Purpose – Audiences – Bidding Strategy

  • To get maximum impressions (Branding) – TOF – vCPM (10-60)
  • To get traffic on the website (TOF – Wide / Narrow audience) No Conversions yet – TOF – Maximize Clicks (CPC Controlled)
  • To get traffic on the website (TOF – Wide audience) At least 100 conversions – TOF – Maximize Clicks
  • Remarketing Audiences – BOF – Maximize Clicks or Maximize Conversions. Test as results depend on audience size (switch between them only if not getting clicks or conversions)

Audiences and Targeting

People based (shows on any website they visit) and Content based (shows on specific content sites irrespective of who visits)

AND condition with demography, audience, topic, keyword, placement. Within each having checkmark is OR condition.

Eg: Keywords: 2 bhk pune OR 3 bhk pune AND Topic: Real Estate

Turn off “Optimized Targeting” for TOF ads or where audience size already big (it like audience expansion)

Create different campaign for each option and never in different ad groups within same campaign because then exclusions can work. For people based audience, don’t exclude based on where ads are shown because it considers audience irrespective if website is related

Audience Based

Create custom segments (use one attribute in each to track performance), combined segments

Your data segments: Based on how they previously interacted

Combined segments: Combine Google’s predefined audiences and your own as well (used mostly to combine your own audiences)

In custom segments, can target:

  • Searched for kw OR have interest or purchase intentions around a kw
  • People browsing similar websites (give many urls that are NICHE and not sell other products)
  • People browsing types of app on playstore (similar to their app users)

Content Based

Keyword: They content includes kw related

Topic: generic pre defined options

Placements: On specific websites (add many 15+ better), yt channels, yt videos, apps, app categories

Tips: Have custom segment of people who search for (multiple kw), and some predefined ones like Affinity based, life events, etc


Response Display Ads may be cheaper but conversion quality is low so manually upload images if RDA not working. Also stop them immediately if bad conversions come as it’ll affect whole account. Upload in jpg under 150kb. Create 2 img for each dimension. Have predefined sizes in Canva folder.

Sizes having higher inventory and good impressions clicks often are (but start with all = 40):

  • 300×250 ; 336×280
  • 160×600 ; 300×600
  • 728×90 ; 970×250
  • 300×50 ; 320×50 ; 320×100

CTR 0.5-1.3% for cold audience. Do relative comparison and pause lesser

In RDA, image limit is 15, have 5 each for landscape, portrait, square. From additional format options > disable auto generated video. Ad url options add custom call to action (not necessary as whole ad is clickable and looks natural), no custom colors

Click on ad image in table view to preview variations. Run 1 RDA at a time, pause another if present, learning remains intact

HTML5 ads (with animations) need application form to be submitted)

Tools: Google Web Designer, HTML5 Maker, Creatopy, Bannerflow, Bannersnack, freelancer

Create it in canva, download thing you want to animate separately as png and static in another img. Export will be zip file


  1. Test different landing pages at ad grp level, ad copy or assets at ad level
  2. Audit “where my ad showed report” (under Content tab) for consideration and don’t exclude placements if targeting people based, actionable for content based targeting by giving higher priority if high conversions
  3. Audit keywords and topics, add or remove according to performance
  4. Frequency Management in campaign settings to cap impressions at campaign or each ad group or each ad level per person per day or week or month based on your analysis (not necessary for all)
  5. Audit asset and ad performance, CTR, etc
  6. IMP: View through conversion metrics. At ad level, enable “Viewable metrics” which counts impression, CTR, etc when at least 50% of ad visible or img for 1s or video for 1s. Compare with non viewable to know actual CTR and conversion and not just scrollers
  7. Exclude all mobile app categories

Attribution Tab for Conversions

Useful to understand how people are funneled (like first search 1 kw or from 1 campaign and then searching another on which they converted)

  • In model comparison tab, can view campaign, ad group, kw level data for Last Click and Data Driven attribution method. Useful as some kw are top of funnel and people don’t convert but later search bottom of funnel kw and convert
  • In Conversion Paths tab, shows dimension wise how many kws from that they searched to come to site and convert. Dimension can be campaign name, campaign type (shows whether first came through smart campaign then search), keyword
  • Path Metrics shows days after last interaction
  • Assisted Conversions: What kw or campaign, etc lead to a different conversion before completing the main conversion defined on last click basis

Difference between “Conversions” and “Conversions (Conversions by Time)”

The time frame of data in G Ads is for clicks. Last 7 days will shows conversions that happened because of clicks in last 7 days. By Time will also count conversions that happened but their click was earlier than last 7 days, the old clicks attribution is late, and this is real metric to give to clients

Call Only Campaigns

Conversion Types and Setup

Call extension conversion

Call from website to be replaced with Google Forwarding Number (GFN)

  • In account settings, turn on call reporting option to use google forwarding (toll free or local) number in place of call ext and on website, they’re dynamic (prospect can call again till 60 days before getting reassigned)
  • In GTM, use template of “Google Ads Call from Website Conversion”, trigger on all pages

Call Rail for call analytics that directly integrate with google ads (track kw and ads leading to call, offline conversions, etc). Cheaper option is using normal IVRS numbers and using GFN to replace that tracking number but data won’t be shared, you’ll only get recordings and small tele call center routing

For this, in account settings, enable “Send Google Ads call data to call analytics software” and select the software name. Also paste their url tracking template

Track clicks on a number on your mobile website (Use html block)

Other call tracking tools (not integrated with google maybe)

myoperator, knowlarity

Basic Metrics

Phone impr. is impression of call ext. Phone Calls is no. of calls connected, Phone Call Leads is conversion meeting time requirement of connection. PTR is calls connected out of impressions

For detailed report, go to Reports tab > Predefined reports > Assets (Legacy) > Call details to see each call which was connected, missed, duration, caller no. (not for India but US and others)

Call Ads

  • Call only ads CPC is 2x RSA for same kw
  • Never run Call Ads in same ad group as RSA (it won’t win and CPC will increase for both). Create separate campaign as tCPA can also be different
  • Call scheduling at campaign level after 100 clicks (Segment by hour, look at clicks, phone calls conversion, are they long and good quality, conversion rate. Pause for certain times if budget constraints
  • Some kw intent become important like: near me, appointment, road side service, home appliance repairing, ambulance services (people who don’t have time)
  • Quality score usually remains low for call ads. Have 2 ads in ad group with few headlines

Verification url in ad should have phone number that you have used and won’t be displayed. Final url will be displayed as a button to visit website but don’t use it even if recommended, use separate search campaign if want to include website

Create a campaign without goal guidance > search > call conversion. Start with max CPC. Turn off search networks

Shopping and Performance Max

Setting Tracking

Gad conversion with datalayer

Use GTM4WP plugin, enable customer data and all. Add dataLayer variables using keys shown in dlv chrome extension.

Add GAds conversion with id, add user provided data manually created and enable enhanced conversion

GA4 Events

GA4 – Enhanced Tracking tag

Create custom event as trigger with Regex: ^view_item|view_item_list|select_item|add_to_cart|remove_from_cart|view_cart|begin_checkout|add_payment_info|add_shipping_info|purchase$

In GTM preview window, check event, and tick “Display variables as Values” radio btn

Set Google Ad Remarketing Tag with GTM

In GA4 Admin settings > Data Collection, turn on user data collection. Also, in Admin > Audiences, create audience for each event for last 1 day, 3, 7, 14, 30 days

Product Feed in Merchant Center (MC) and Optimization

Use wp plugin to add xml feed as Primary feed in MC

Many change title of product in MC to include kw for optimization. Supplementary feed allows to add new attributes or modify existing ones by matching using unique key with Primary feed (mandatory). Eg: top 30 bestseller products feed and want to add custom label or modify title

Supplement Feed can:

  • Add or modify promotional information (sale items)
  • Add or modify custom labels (like best sellers, high margins, high priority
  • Replace and override item attributes (All possible)
  • Add missing GTINs
  • Fix Google Merchant disapprovals and errors

Use G Sheet so it can easily be edited

Product Feed Optimization:

  • Title (Most Imp)
  • Description, Price, Google Product Category, Image

Data Feed Watch tool used to have dynamic price based on competition

Title : 150 Words is the limit.

Try to understand the intent of the user as they are searching & then craft your titles accordingly.

  • Brand + Product Type + Color + Material
  • Brand + Size (length, width, height) + Product Type + Color
  • Material + Product Type + Color + Brand
  • Style + Color + Product Type + Brand
  • Product Type + Size + Color + Feature + Brand

Don’t use Promotions in title like Sale, Free etc. Bonus : You can use several Titles for a product in Supplemental product feed. (have multiple rows with same ID, google will autopick, use for winner products) Bonus : Changing the product id will erase all previous history and learnings

To get “Sale” badge, have regular price and sale price in feed and meet Google’s requirements like discount between 5-90%, doesn’t show if sales are continuous i.e., from last 200 days, there should be 30 days with normal price (workaround is to change feed and only keep sale price as regular price attribute). Price drop badge appears when normal price is lowered

If giving promotion discounts, mention it on product page because google verifies, like this:

BEST BUY at Rs. 9,349

Get extra 15% discount on orders above ₹7,500

Use code: ESKE15

Enable Promotions program, Marketing tab > Promotion, select type (amount off, % off, free gift, free shipping. Apply based on filter, attribute, all products. Can end promotions manually if date not set

Performance Max

Shows ads on all platforms / inventory, uses data feed and audience signals (good for Ecom, not lead gen as audience signals aren’t that good, all inventory so less quality). PMax will take priority over Standard Shopping so don’t test both at same time

Bidding options: Max Conversion (tCPA), Max Conversion Value (tROAS); No Max Clicks (use Standard shopping for them)

Audience Signals

  • Audience Signals are not actual Audiences. (They are not targeting)
  • Asset Group level has Audience Signals and Listing Feed
  • In Signals, add Search Themes (upto 25, have different type and not variations)
  • In another asset group, add Audience Signals (don’t combine with themes and keep sub categories separate as well):
    • Your Data (imp and upload customer lists like all converters, cart abandoners, past buyers, checkout, etc)
    • Interests and detailed demographics (custom segment with search terms, similar competitor websites)

Campaign Structure Feed Only

Create different campaign for each product type. Test Audience Signals at Asset Group level.

Start with “Conversion Value” bidding because google has data. Can change tROAS gradually but don’t change strategy, it’ll hamper learning

Use feed based ads only, so don’t add in any headlines, videos, images, etc, only select products

To view metrics, go to Asset Groups > Table view, enable metrics. Can view listing groups and individual products, brands, categories, custom labels performance also

Existing customer list can be uploaded to not show them ads or bid higher for new customers comparatively (enable New Customers metric in campaign column) but decent results

Standard Shopping (SERP)

Gives search terms report.

Structure based on product category like PMax, higher and lower value products (so max bid can be used)

Max Clicks or Manual CPC. Low CPC and low Conversion %

Can create products groups in SS. Can also run all products with max clicks upper limit and create different campaigns based on data

Decide budget based on how many sales you need, avg conversion rate (1-2%), how many clicks you’ll need and it’s cost

No search partners. People in or regular in location.

In Product Groups tab, click + sign next to name and can create sub divisions on which you can check metrics or pause (cannot adjust Max CPC but manual CPC). Campaign level Feed filter will be copied to all adgroups, you can create sub divisions and pause certain ones if want to use one campaign

Dynamic Search Ads (Good for Ecom)

Use different campaigns for these ads. Publish normal campaign then you’ll see option

Make the URLs you give SEO optimized so Google’s AI can match intentions based on content. Keep your brand kw in separate campaign. Works good when 60-100 conversions and Conversion Value bid with tCPA. Exclude blog and other pages

Negative dynamic ad targets at campaign level to exclude URLs

Select Display campaign, in its settings at start > Dynamic ads, provide data feed. Turn off optimized targeting in Audience Segments. Have final url as homepage and it’ll dynamically get replaced with product url. Don’t add any assets or headlines. Only audience and product feed is imp

Demand Gen

Asset specs and best practices (video safe zones, where it’ll show):

Images, Videos, Carousels (optional) on YT, Discover, Gmail.

  • Not good for TOF Generic audience (interest or affinity based, demography, cold)
  • Lean gen low quality
  • Good with Maximize Conversions TCPA or TROAS for product based feed with Remarketing Audiences (Eg: 3 Ad grp for last 7, 30, 45 day visitors and showing products)
  • Audience testing at ad group level
  • Create a Separate Campaign for Lookalike Audience of Customer List, and different ad group for different lookalike audience
  • Keep different campaign (Remarketing, Lookalike, TOF). Create all ads in a adgroup (image, video, carousel)

Keep all languages. Turn off Optimized Targeting. Add 5 headlines and descriptions too. Have copy relevant to audience. Use Sitelinks with videos.

If you duplicate ad group, duplicate audience also otherwise it’ll modify in both ad groups

YouTube Ads

Link YT channel first. Create audience segment for different days time period like 6m 1yr because Google ads can only prefill last 30 days at max.

Actions like: View any video, view certain video, viewed any or certain ad video, subscribers, visited channel page, like any video, add any video to playlist, share any video

Check competitors ads

  • Click profile icon > Your data in YouTube to check watch history of ads also.
  • Click on i button in yt video to see ad transparency and other ads by them
  • Paid tools: Vidtao, Tubesift, Video Ad Vault, power Ad Spy
  • use TubeSift bookmark chrome extension to bookmark YT ads or open video in new tab or copy video url in G Sheet

Use cases:

  1. Video views / yt channel paid subscribers: run infeed video ads (discovery ads) which they view, no option to view landing page. Cheaper than instream. Home, Watch Next, Search placement
  2. Business and lead gen ad: run Skippable / Non Skippable ads with landing page cta

Recommended to have at least 50 videos on YT channel when running in feed ads to get loyal audience and increase subscribers

Skippable Ads

For TOF because Conversion goal doesn’t support this audiences. A supporting BOF Campaign with Remarketing needed for success with different assets / videos.

Audiences: Keywords, Topics, Placements

Conversion type has: Custom Segments, Your Data, Interests and Detailed Demographics (People Based). Custom Segments when fully used can drive conversion type.

Keep each type audience in different campaign, so 3 campaign, and each ad group has variations of same type audience. No 1 campaign but ad grp for different type as CPV for Placement is higher and bidding may not work.

Each ad group have 2-3 videos. Regularly change to avoid saturation. Like script, way of presentation.

  1. Keywords related to your Service/Product – Google Ads Course, Best Google ads course, Google Ads Course for Beginners.
  2. Ignore single word Phrase.
  3. 8-10 keywords are working well in keywords adgroups.
  4. Keyword Research can work with Keyword Planner too.

Google doesn’t translate search keywords to match your keyword targeting. Select language and location. Turn off video partner network and Video Enhancements as it increases inventory.

2 Related Videos can be added to show in recommendations but don’t use as we want people to visit LP. Product Feed if ecom. Multi format ad option if want shorts.

Frequency Cap 8 per day; View Cap 3 per day. Because targeting based on CPV (TOF audience) instead of conversion.

Have clean display url. Have CTA that relates with headline. Companion banner. Play with CPV bid.

Create other ad group if have different angle but same type targeting as campaign.

Placement Based

Costly, cannot go narrow (need broad). Start with low CPV

2 different ad groups for targeting channels and videos

Research channel and video manually by searching. Ensure there are big audiences and specific niche like for Gad course, you target Ad related DM channel. First target 5+ L subs. They should have good average daily views also and prepare list. Select videos with high average daily views. Check social blade, popular videos on channel, what type they get most views, frequency. Don’t search directly in ad manager as it gives channel name with kw in it. Use filters on YT.

Video Lineups (categories) can be tried but not necessary

You get Placement level reports

Exclude Convertors

Conversion Based – for TOF Custom Segments, Remarketing, Ecommerce Product Feed

Maximize Conversions or tCPA (recommended if already conversion data, little 5-10% than search CPA)

  • General audience – Custom Segments: Different campaign for each: Search Terms or topics, Websites, Apps
  • Affinity + Interest based, narrow with demography like gender, age, parental status as it’s too broad (separate campaign)

Add sitelinks

Good for product feed based, remarketing (YT visitors, etc). Can run shorts, less than 30 sec videos.

YouTube Shorts

Shorts (< 60 sec). Use Video Views objective. Turn on multi feed ads (skippable, infeed, shorts). Set devices as Mobile Phone only to have mostly shorts. Add your shorts video url only from YT channel. Don’t use horizontal vide, only vertical. Enable Product Feed to show catalog in description. Product filter available at ad group level.

Offer Based Campaign Strategy

FOMO based specially for Ecommerce.

Audiences for Last 1, 7, 14, 30 day non convertor visitors.

For special sales, remarket to last 3, 6, 9, 12 month audiences as Google at max can prefill last 30 day audience.

FOMO because prices will increase

Video Analytics and Reporting

Videos tab > Analytics

Can see views, cost, earned views, audience retention graph (to know attention at hook, offer, cta)

There’s short guide on increasing video retention

Different column groups available, placement wise view rate

Video metric explanations:

Instream views counted when watched 30 sec or entire video or clicks interactive element. Shorts when 10 sec or full or interaction click. Engagements after 10 sec. Earned actions are different things done apart from ad view

Google Ads Editor

Top left is all accounts and campaigns. Bottom left is types of tabs like keywords, search terms, ad assets. Main window is to view. Click on any and edit window on right. Top bar “View Statistics” is like customize column metrics. Can copy paste easily. Post changes to sync.

Use Cases

  • Account Shift: If an account is suspended or wrong conversions setup, go campaigns, select all and copy and paste to other account. Not possible online.
  • Replace text like in kws or ad gropus or ad copy, append text, change bids, capitalization, urls
  • Copy shell. Right click campaign or ad group and click copy shell. Go to any other place like location setting, click paste icon. Only that setting will be pasted from source.
  • Function Filter: In view window, can filter like formulas such as COUNT, CONTAIN, NOTEXIST. Account > Export > Current view to get in Excel

Custom Rules. Notifies when violating best practices before publishing like not having ad groups. Available in bottom left, Advanced tools tab. Can check all violations when editing rule.


For Clients: Simple and KPI. Create dashboard with multiple reports.

For Yourself: Know your questions and what to find then create reports for that.

Client report examples:

  • Campaign Cost (Name, status, type, cost)
  • Campaign wise Conversion Segregation (Campaign name, conversion category, conversions)
  • Clicks and CTR chart (doble bar for Mobile call, Sitelink, Image extension, Headline)
  • Conversion Chart (bar chart with number for each conversion action)
  • Keyword wise Conversion
  • Master dashboard with existing reports created

Google Ad Scripts

Delay them 6-7 hrs as Google ad conversion and click attribution takes time

Check different examples here:

Useful Templates

Also available in Scripts tab of GAd dashboard > Click + icon > Start from template. And in Solutions tab also, sheet will be created.

Account Anomaly Detector (Same available in single account and for MCC)

Sales and Agency

Discovery Call for Lead Gen Business

  1. Introduce yourself First. (Give a quick introduction about yourself)
  2. How long have you been doing this business? (If you are in a discovery call with founder try to know more about them)
  3. Have you done Google ads before?
  4. Was any agency doing so, or you were doing from your side?
  5. What was the result? What was the CPA & what was the closure rate at your end (Your sales team). Do you have any CRM or tracking system in place already.
  6. Are you satisfied from the results?
  7. What was your expectation from the agency?
  8. Okey, Tell me about your services? What services you are offering
  9. Who are your competitors?
  10. Do you have any business data of your competitors as in how much business they are doing?
  11. What digital assets you are having as of now, in the form of website/ Landing page, Social media etc.
  12. Do you have any marketing budget with you or have you planned any marketing budget?
  13. Can you please tell more about the services/ products?
  14. What are the USPs of the Service/product? Note : Price cannot be the USP. Anyone with cheap price can beat you anytime.
  15. Here is the form of the TG (Target Group) for customer avatar – Try to fill this as much as you can so that we can understand more about the Target Audiences. (Give doc template)
    1. Demographics: Age, gender, location, education level, income level, marital status
    2. Sources of information: Books / Magazines, Blogs / Websites, Experts, Otheres
    3. Goals
    4. Background
    5. Problems and Pain points
  16. Do you have brand guidelines?
  17. What is the price of your service?
  18. What is the margin?
  19. Can we decrease the pricing in case of any offer?
  20. Do we have any visual material already ready in the form of videos? Or can we shoot that if required?
  21. What are the other sources of lead generation you are using?

Discovery Call for D2C Business

  1. Introduce yourself First. (Give a quick introduction about yourself)
  2. How long have you been doing this business? (If you are in a discovery call with founder try to know more about them)
  3. Do you have any offline store?
  4. Are you currently selling on Market Places?
  5. What is current Adspend
  6. What is MER & ROAS
  7. At what ROAS you are profitable
  8. What is the gross Margin – (60% ideal to consider RTO, staff, paid tools, etc)
  9. What is AOV? – (Repeat Buying amount)
  10. What is current RTO? (Talk to their partner to reduce RTO)
  11. Are you providing COD or not?
  12. Are you using external checkout? (That do OTP verification, etc)
  13. If there is custom website ? Do you have developers with you?
  14. What is your expectation from the agency? (Months time and ROAS expectations, etc)
  15. Are you the manufacturer of the product? (MRP labels will change discount offers you can promote)
  16. Is your product Market fit? (Where it is selling and is it proven or good)
  17. Can you change the price of the product if required.
  18. What are the USPs of your product? (For Ad angles)
  19. What possible videos / photoshoot you can create for the product?

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