Microsoft Excel Notes

Basic Shortcuts and TipsData Validation and Conditional FormattingDATA Tab (Filter, Consolidate, What If Analysis)Home TabInsert TabPivot tablesPower QueryM QueryOther Small TabsFormulasTips and TricksData ModelingDAXVisualization Practice files: Basic Shortcuts and…

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Facebook Ads Notes

Quick TipsObjectivesAuctionCampaign StructureGeneralCampaign Budget Optimization CBOAudience TargetingCustom Audience, overlap and othersAd CopyFB Pixel and event trackingLead Gen CampaignCatalog Sales Campaign for ecommerceConversion CampaignOther Campaign NotesStrategies and own things Quick Tips…

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Google Ads Notes

Search CampaignsConversion TrackingOffline ConversionsEnhanced Conversion tracking needs to be setupKeywords (Group based on Intent and Relevancy IMP)Keyword Research Sheet:Negative Keywords:UTM ParametersAudiencesFake clicksBidding StrategyDynamic Search Ad GroupsExperiment CampaignsCompetitive Metrics (Important for…

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