Simple Things To Improve Life
Meditate 15 mins daily 1 min plank in morning every day Read 15 mins daily 20 hrs weekly learning time Every morning, in front of mirror, smile Travel on a…
Meditate 15 mins daily 1 min plank in morning every day Read 15 mins daily 20 hrs weekly learning time Every morning, in front of mirror, smile Travel on a…
Basic Shortcuts and TipsData Validation and Conditional FormattingDATA Tab (Filter, Consolidate, What If Analysis)Home TabInsert TabPivot tablesPower QueryM QueryOther Small TabsFormulasTips and TricksData ModelingDAXVisualization Practice files: Basic Shortcuts and…
These are my quick notes on some of the topics around fitness. Protein, carbs, fats Proteins are good, carbs too much is bad and raised insulin tolerance, fats saturated are…
If you quit on facing 1st loss or have fear, etc, write a script in pointers of what you do. Eg: I have tendency to quit on 1st loss which…
On social media, everyone seems to be having fun, clicking photos, going places, partying, showing of their muscles. All these with some filters. Everyone has problems even though at first…
FAQs Bitcoin Bitcoin is controlled by miners When dishonest nodes are 51% or more, the attacker can only change the order of the transactions and can double spend (his own…
Quick TipsObjectivesAuctionCampaign StructureGeneralCampaign Budget Optimization CBOAudience TargetingCustom Audience, overlap and othersAd CopyFB Pixel and event trackingLead Gen CampaignCatalog Sales Campaign for ecommerceConversion CampaignOther Campaign NotesStrategies and own things Quick Tips…
Search CampaignsConversion TrackingOffline ConversionsEnhanced Conversion tracking needs to be setupKeywords (Group based on Intent and Relevancy IMP)Keyword Research Sheet:Negative Keywords:UTM ParametersAudiencesFake clicksBidding StrategyDynamic Search Ad GroupsExperiment CampaignsCompetitive Metrics (Important for…